Writing Examples
Here, I provide an assortment of examples of my work from recent years. Since I spent over 14 years at Mozilla, documenting web technologies, these are understandably all from the MDN Web Docs site. I provide both a link to the document and a PDF export of the document for those who need the content in that form. Please note that the PDFs are simply "Save as PDF" copies of the MDN Web Docs contents and have not been "cleaned up" to correct any quirks that come with being created in that manner.
Signaling and video calling
A tutorial covering how to add two-way audio/video calling to a WebSocket chat system using the WebSocket connection as the WebRTC signaling service. Includes complete, working examples of both the chat and video calling server and client in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Download PDFImage file type and format guide
This guide lists the image file types most commonly supported on the web, with compatibility information and technical details about their capabilities. Also includes recommendations for which formats to use in specific scenarios.
Download PDFRTCIceCandidate overview
This reference article is an overview of the RTCIceCandidate interface, part of the WebRTC standard. It describes the purpose of the interface and then summarizes each of its properties and methods, with links out to the full documentation of each.
Download PDFRTCIceCandidate: usernameFragment reference
This is the reference article for the RTCIceCandidate property usernameFragment. Along with syntax information and a detailed explanation of what this property is used for, an example is provided.
Download PDFGeometry and reference spaces in WebXR
This article introduces and dives into the concept of reference spaces in WebXR, with explanations of topics starting with the fundamentals of 3D coordinate systems to handling spaces offset from one another by translating their origins.
Download PDFIntersection Observer API
This article, the introduction to the Intersection Observer API, starts by explaining what the API is and why it exists, then describes the various concepts you need to understand to use it before providing multiple working examples of varying degrees of intricacy.
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I can provide further examples if needed, both from the MDN Web Docs site and, if necessary, previous jobs. A few other examples of my work that I happen to like: